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Sunday, 28 April 2013

The Keepsake's finishes a year!

Thank you all for visiting The Keepsake.

Often I get facebook emails from people reading this blog to tell me just how much they enjoy coming here, so thank you for all the encouragement

Be Aware

There was one great master, a Buddhist master, Nagarjuna.  A thief came to him.  The
thief had fallen in love with the master because he had never seen such a beautiful person, such infinite grace.  He asked Nagarjuna, "Is there some possibility of my growth also?  But one thing I must make clear to you: I am a thief.  And another thing: I cannot leave it, so please don't make it a condition.  I will do whatsoever you say, but I cannot stop being a thief.  That I have tried many times--it never works, so I have left the whole sport.  I have accepted my destiny, that I am going to be a thief and remain a thief, so don't talk about it.  From the very beginning let it be clear."
   Nagarjuna said, "Why are you afraid?  Who is going to talk about your being a thief?
     The thief said,  "But whenever I go to a monk, to a religious priest, or to a religious saint, they always say, 'First stop stealing.'"
     Nagarjuna laughed and said, "Then you must have gone to thieves; otherwise, why? Why should they be concerned? I am not concerned!"
      The thief was very happy.  He said, "Then it is okay.  It seems that now I can become a disciple.  You are the right master."
       Nagarjuna accepted him and said, "Now you can go and do whatsoever you like.  Only one condition has to be followed: be aware!  Go, break into houses, enter, take things, steal; do whatsoever you like, that is of no concern to me, I am not a thief--but do it with full awareness."
        The thief couldn't understand that he was falling into the trap.  He said, "Then everything is okay. I will try."
         After three weeks he came back and said, "You are tricky--because if I become aware, I cannot steal.  If I steal, awareness disappears. I am in a fix."
          Nagarjuna said, "No more talk about your being a thief and stealing. I am not concerned;  I am not a thief. Now, you decide! If you want awareness, then you decide. If you don't want it, then too you decide."
          The man said, "But now it is difficult.  I have tasted it a little, and it is so beautiful--I will leave anything, whatsoever you say.  Just the other night for the first time I was able to enter the palace of the king.  I opened the treasure.  I could have become the richest man in the world--but you were following me and I had to be aware.  When I became aware, diamonds looked just like stones, ordinary stones.  When I lost awareness, the treasure was there.  And I waited and did this many times.  I would become aware and I became like a buddha, and I could not even touch it because the whole thing looked foolish, stupid--just stones, what am I doing?  Losing myself over stones?  But then I would lose awareness; they would become again beautiful, the whole illusion.  But finally I decided that they were not worth it."


Thursday, 25 April 2013

A sufi story..

A man just got married and was
returning home with his wife. THEY WERE CROSSING A LAKE IN A BOAT when
suddenly a great storm arose.
The man was a warrior, but the woman
became very much afraid because it seemed almost hopeless: THE BOAT WAS
SMALL AND THE STORM WAS REALLY HUGE, and any moment they were going to
be drowned. But the man sat silently, calm and quiet, as if nothing was
The woman was trembling and she said, “ARE YOU NOT
AFRAID? This may be our last moment of life! It doesn’t seem that we
will be able to reach the other shore. Only some miracle can save us;
otherwise death is certain.
Are you not afraid? Are you mad or
something? Are you a stone or something?

more puzzled:
What he was doing? Then he brought the naked sword close to the woman’s neck
– so close that just a small gap was there, it was almost touching her
neck. He said,
“ARE YOU AFRAID?” She started to laugh and said,
If the sword is in your hands, why I should be
I know you love me.
” He put the sword back and said,
“This is my answer.
I KNOW GOD LOVES ME, and the sword is in his hands,
and the storm is in his hands –
GOING TO BE GOOD. If we survive, good; if we don’t survive, good –
because everything is in his hands and he cannot do anything wrong.”

THIS IS THE TRUST ONE NEEDS TO IMBIBE. Such tremendous trust is capable
of transforming your whole life. And ONLY such tremendous trust is
capable of transforming your life — less than that won’t do.

Source ://

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Body Scars

I've always been very attracted to body scars, for some reason they look beautiful to me.
Today I read something wonderful that Paulo Coelho wrote, it truly explains how I have always felt about them.
So to everyone who is reading this, be proud of your body scars, I know I am :)

"Take pride in your scars.
Scars are medals branded on the flesh, and your enemies will be frightened by them because they are proof of your long experience of battle. "

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

My thoughts..

I don't usually write often on the blog but today when I went on this site(which took pictures of 100+ years old people still living) I noticed staring at the pictures what time really does to us all.
My father once told me. Time is King.
As much as it hurts to know we're all going to grow old and die. Looks are so so deceptive.
Today there, tomorrow gone.
My heart fills up knowing what lies ahead.
The truth is - I don't want to grow old.
I dont want to die and mostly I dont want to be alone.
But nothing in this world can stop this process.
Often I think to myself is it even worth remembering God who seems to have forgotten about me?
Somewhere this question was beautifully answered. When we look up and ask HIM the same, he replies silently, through the chirping of the birds, the trembling of the leaves and the beautiful butterflies- 'Where is your faith?'
So I believe in the better afterlife.
The place where no one grows old or dies.
The place with golden streets,
The place where blind men can see.

For more pictures log on to:

Monday, 8 April 2013

My Foolish Heart
When will you learn?
There is no where else to turn..
Bhaj Govindam